Buckeye Telecom

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Not Financial Advice, just Advice!


We are experts in cloud security and managed security. We help our customers protect their data, applications, and infrastructure.

Cloud Security

Cloud security is the protection of your data as it travels across the internet from one computer to another. When you use cloud storage or software-as-a-service (SaaS), your information is stored on servers housed in large data centers and managed by a third party. This means that there are some risks associated with using these services:

  • Your information could be compromised by hackers who want access to your account. These criminals can try to break into the system through brute force attacks, social engineering tactics like phishing emails or phone calls where they'll pretend to be someone from customer service asking for personal information like passwords or credit card numbers--or even physical theft of computers containing sensitive data that have been left unattended at office buildings after hours.*

  • Cloud providers may also have access to this sensitive data through their employees who work at those locations.*

  • It's important that you choose not only reputable companies but also make sure they take steps internally so as not to leak any information externally.*

Managed Security

Managed security services are a great way to reduce the costs of your cloud environment. It can also help improve your security posture and compliance, which is a big deal.

Managed security services help you manage all of your cloud-based applications and infrastructure, including:

  • Intrusion detection systems (IDS)

  • Firewalls

  • Anti-virus software

How we help our customers

We help our customers with cloud security.

We help our customers with managed security.

We help our customers with cyber security.

We help our customers with data security.

We help our customers with network security.

And we also provide identity and access management (IAM) solutions for organizations that require the ability to manage employee access rights across multiple applications, platforms, devices, or locations in real-time.

We are experts in cloud security and managed security.

You may have heard that we are cloud and managed security experts. And if you haven't, we're happy to tell you! We can help you with your cloud security needs. Or maybe even better: we can help with your managed and cloud security needs!


We hope you have enjoyed this article on cloud security and managed security. If you need more information, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you!