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It’s Not Rocket Science!


Cloud computing is a big deal. It’s changing how we think about storage and access to information, among other things. But what is cloud computing? And why does it matter? Let’s find out!

Cloud data centers are getting less expensive and more efficient.

Cloud data centers are getting less expensive and more efficient.

Data center costs have been falling for years, but even so, it's difficult to get a sense of just how much they've dropped. The industry is notoriously secretive about its finances; many companies don't want competitors knowing their margins or scaling strategy. Others simply don't know themselves because they're new to the business and haven't yet figured out how much it costs them per unit of computing power or storage capacity.

As such, this article will focus on three key metrics: energy efficiency (power consumption), cost effectiveness (price per unit of computing power) and overall efficiency (price per unit of storage).

Cloud data centers have brought down the cost of computing.

Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction.

Cloud computing relies on sharing of resources to achieve coherence and economies of scale via a networked infrastructure. The result is that computers are just like utilities such as electricity or water supply: you pay for what you use without worrying about the details of how it's produced or managed.

The availability of lower-cost, higher capacity storage in the cloud is helping people make better use of data.

Cloud storage is more affordable, accessible and reliable than ever. Cloud storage providers have been hard at work to make their offerings more flexible, scalable and efficient. This has resulted in lower prices for consumers and businesses alike.

In fact, cloud storage costs can be as little as $0.001 per GB/month--a far cry from what it used to cost just a few years ago! It's also easier than ever for businesses of any size or type to get started: you don't need any special equipment on-site; all you need is an internet connection (and maybe some kind of device like a smartphone).

Cloud computing has changed how we think about storage and access to information

Cloud computing has changed the way we think about storage and access to information. It's also changed the way we think about data centers, data security and privacy.

The cloud is a shared pool of resources that can be used by multiple users simultaneously. The idea behind it is simple: instead of buying expensive hardware for your own use only (like servers), you lease space from a third-party provider who owns all those resources anyway--and they handle everything from maintenance to security so that you don't have worry about anything except getting work done in your applications or programs over those shared resources. This means lower costs for businesses because they don't need as much investment in up-front equipment purchases; plus higher efficiency through better utilization of existing infrastructure because more people can use it at once without taking up any more space than before!


In many ways, cloud computing is a game changer for storage and access to information. Using the cloud can lower costs, make data available where it’s needed when it’s needed, help reduce environmental impact from overuse of servers, and generally make life easier for anyone using the cloud. The ability to scale up or down as needed means that companies don’t have to worry about investing too much in infrastructure before they need it or paying for more capacity than they use at any given time. As more people adopt cloud computing solutions like Office 365 for businesses or G Suite (formerly Google Apps), expect even more innovation and change in how we store our data!

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